Basmah School &
Cultural Center

Curriculum Guide

ProgramPre-School (Pre-K -1 & Kindergarten)

This is the entry point of the curriculum at BSCC. The Pre-K student starts to study, acquire skills, and form attitudes from this level and then move on through the school. The individuality and abilities of the students is the guiding principles. Age-appropriate materials and tasks are provided in a caring and stimulating environment. Pre-K students are guided at their pace to acquire mastery mostly (at their level) in these major areas: Motor Skill: gross and fine motor skills, eye-hand coordination, audio-visual perception, memory/recognition and retention, hammering, fixing puzzle, drama Communication Skills: verbalizing, listening, making signs, letters and words mimicking sounds, writing, speaking, and facial expression Pre-Reading Skills: alphabet recognition (Arabic and English) and writing, sounds of letters, sound recognition, rhyming, singing, story telling Math Skills: manipulation of objects, shapes, numbers and numeration, puzzles, matching, arranging, measuring, solving problems, sets, notation, and grouping Writing Skills: letter formation, rhythmic movement, eye-hand coordination, artistic activities, creative expression, and show and tell. Language Skills: oral skills, listening, writing, drawing Physical/Science: things around us living and non-living Socializing/Emotional Skills: Sharing, caring, personal awareness, interaction, greeting, and courtesy Classrooms are equipped with activity centers that help to stimulate the students and allow them to explore.The Pre-K classes strive to educate the “whole” child. Children learn by doing. Parents, teachers, developmental psychologists, and others who work with young children have always known this.

Primary School (Grade 1 to Grade 5th)

In order to achieve our mission of high academic achievement, we have established an educational institution based on sound Islamic principles and supported by highly qualified leadership and staff. A custom curriculum has been created that reflects the needs of our students and incorporates state standards. Moreover, the standards are designed to help the students face and solve/deal with the needs and demands of living in the 21st century. The curriculum comprises of the following subjects: Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Arabic, Islamic and Qur’anic Studies and other electives. The curriculum is implemented through a holistic approach that considers each student as an active learner and partner in the education process. The teachers are facilitators who encourage and challenge the students to meet and maintain high academic achievement. The objective is for the students to understand the concepts, and develop attitudes and skills in keeping with the spirit and teachings of Islam.


Smile & Salam

‘Walk the talk’ is what the basmah’sstaff believes, greeting every student, each morning with a smile and greeting of peace – ‘Assalamualaikum WRT’. This embeds the sunnah of saying salam and soon becomes a common practice within our students.

Morning Assembly

Providing an energetic start to the day, students gather for the morning assembly where every child is given the opportunity to participate in order to gain confidence from an early age.

Circle Time

A recount of previous learning, moral themes and class rules all take place during circle-time. Subsequently, children take a peek into what is planned for the day ahead.

Arabic Class

Arabic is taught in such a manner that our students can grasp it easily ultimately developing the ability to converse in Arabic fluently.


An all-time favorite of our students is the sports class. With the guidance of a trained teacher, students learn and excel in various games and exercises, as well as build on teamwork, patience and the passion to succeed.

Tiffin / Lunch Time

Washing hands, setting the table and saying ‘Bismillah’ before enjoying favorite snacks is all part of the tiffin/lunch time. The teachers join their students to teach eating etiquettes; such as using the right hand, sharing and finishing the meal.

After School Facility

Due to varied dismissal times of siblings, staff or even parents who are unable to make it to school on-time to pick up their children due to work hours, an after-school facility is available. However, this time is made purposeful for the students by engaging them in interesting activities, snacking or even taking a short nap and feeling refreshed before going home.

Departure Time

The security of our students is extremely important for us and so departure time is exceptionally organized. A pick-up card system is in place, which authorizes the card holder only to pick up the student.


Primary Section is Alhamdulillah well on its way to attain the vision of the school where students are being trained in a positive environment by passionate and dedicated teachers. Our approach to learning is evolving every day; modern and innovative techniques are being adopted to educate the students. These techniques optimize self-belief, competence and proficiency.

The Primary Section comprises of grades 1 – 5.

Key Features

  • Activity-based learning with modern teaching techniques.
  • Teaching languages, sciences and concepts with Islamic integration.
  • Tarbiyah, in and outside the classroom to make better Muslims.
  • Providing classroom environment which is embedded with Islamic principles and teachings.
  • Teaching Arabic and Tarweed as regular subjects to make understanding of the Holy Qur’an easier.
  • Following monthly moral themes to incorporate essential Islamic values.
  • Offering Zuhr Salah in congregation on campus.
  • Exclusive opportunities to meet and learn from religious scholars and professionals. Participation and distinctions in national and international.

Students are guided to become self-motivated learners, who are strong academically and are able to foster their own ability to think comprehensively and clearly. Subject details are as follows:

Quran Recitation & Memorization

From the beginning, students learn the art of recitation of the Holy Qur’an. They also memorize different Surahs, learn hadith and Dues.

Arabic Language

Arabic is taught in a simplified and effective manner building upon reading, writing and conversing skills. Being the language of the Qur’an, it holds great importance within the academic framework of Averroes.


English As a Second Language, students are taught to communicate fluently and effectively in English. During the year all areas of the subject are covered; including reading, writing, listening and speaking effectively in English.


As the national language, Bangla is highly valued at the school and is taught with the same zeal and emphasis as English and Arabic.


Students are taught mathematical concepts which are reinforced through practical activities. The methodology adopted at Averroes provides a platform for students to become independent in utilizing their mathematical skills. This approach helps form a strong foundation to build upon in coming academic years.

Islamic Studies

The school has a thematic approach to the way Islamic Studies is taught, where a concept is reinforced in all aspects of teaching. Through this process students learn in an engaging manner, which helps increase their knowledge while enriching their faith and thus translating into action.


Science is taught in such a way that students are made to realize and appreciate the grandeur of Allah and His creation. They are motivated to understand the application of scientific concepts through experiments, diagrams, flow charts, documentaries and science projects. Exhibitions and competitions held by the school are an effective means to further nurture students’ scientific inquisitiveness. Students are encouraged to make discoveries, devise formulae and experiment on their own.


A rigorous and engaging ICT curriculum with Islamic integration is in place at Averroes. The focus of the subject is to teach basic computer skills including computational & problem-solving skills, programming, web browsing, cutting-edge technologies like robots & biometrics.

General Knowledge

Students develop an understanding of the world through Geography in which they learn about the environment, other cultures, their economy and politics. Emphasis is placed upon how to become responsible and active citizens of the world. Through History, students derive important lessons from the past and benefit from a focused study of Muslim Heroes.

Expressive Arts

Expressive Arts is a combined subject involving dramatic skills for stage performances, delivering speeches amongst small groups or before the morning assembly and building on existing skills and talents, thereby developing stage presence and self-confidence. Arts and Crafts is a way to expand a student’s mind, broadening his/her horizons in being creative and helping them refine their gross and fine motor skills. Students use this time to analyze, criticize and produce original pieces of Art

Physical Education

Health and Fitness is ensured by providing the students training in sports such as Basket Ball, Martial Arts, Badminton, Table Tennis etc. All students partake in weekly physical activities.

Assessment & Grading

The academic progress of the students is systematically monitored by teachers and the Section Head through close observation as well as through the assessment of class work, quizzes, tests, oral assessments, projects and examination. The grading and assessment system is one that is made comprehensible for the students and parents to reflect upon the child’s progress and set future targets.